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"no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created It "

🧿  its been five years since I've first launched this site which has become a safe haven, community, escape and place of healing for many. its been a honor to help and guide so many people back to themselves. we have grown and evolved so much in the past five years, shipped products to places like Mexico, London, Hawaii, and even Haiti, I've had clients all over the world, and have created such a impactful space filled with comradery, and community. grateful for each and every single one of you. - 2023  


 created off the strength of my divine ancestors to all the healers, shamans, rootworkers, practitioners, obeah men and women, spiritualist, medicine, divine women and men that run through my blood, for every sacrifice , to the celestial beings that have circled this planet, this ones for you thank you.


Descendant of bloodlines filled with alchemy, science, ancient wisdom raised around monthly spiritual baths aligned with the moon cycles, mystic family members, weekly runs to the spiritual shop, my entire existence has been surrounded around the meta psychical aspect of life which  guided by my spiritual team to extend everything I've learned over lifetimes to be of service to humanity. If anything may you take from this site that there is blessings in walking in alignment. Peace 🧿


email for free consultation 

***not a reading***

New York, NY, USA

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